Sunday, September 26, 2010

A plan

My friends are amazing. Thank you.

So each evening, now, when I prep lunches and snacks for the boys for the next day, I will also plan, prep, and pack up all of my food for the next day. I found a little tupperware that can hold everything, and stuck everything in there (even the unpopped bag of popcorn. :-))

I know 1800 calories is high, but my first goal is to just get myself eating on a plan. And at my current weight, I really should lose at 1800 calories a day. So the plan for Monday:

Breakfast: slim-fast shake
Lunch: Soup, hummus, snap-peas
Snack 1: bag of popcorn, apple
Snack 2: slim fast shake, broccoli, hummus
Dinner: Large lean cuisine, hummus, carrots
Dessert: smoothie, 100-calorie pack of cookies

Here we go!


  1. Watch out for processed foods and sodium content in the lean cuisines. Carrots are high glycemic so they burn in your body much like a candy bar. So don't eat the whole bag:) You need to send me your addy and let me send you some samples of a meal replacement shake that is healthier than the slim fast. If you are interested I can give you more information.

    My plan tomorrow is oatmeal in the morning, fruits for snacks, low carb wrap with lean meat and salad for lunch. Likely pork for dinner with a steamed veggie. At least 80 ounces of water.


  2. Leah you can do this. I'm right there with you. And I will continue cheering no matter what!

  3. Hi Leah! How's it going so far today? How do you feel? Do you still have the Wii fit. Does it have the yoga program (I know you HATE yoga...but maybe give it a try today just one more time?!?!?)

    You CAN DO THIS. You CAN.
