Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I'm still here

A long weekend away with my boys (5 days) usually means a gain of 5 or so pounds, some fluff, some permanent. I use that time when they're in bed at night to force-feed my demons.

So, it wasn't a disaster. It wasn't good, but it wasn't awful, and this morning I weighed in at 181.5, so I'm pleased as punch.

I had another day yesterday where I was super-good all morning and early afternoon, and then went to hell after that but I'm still here, still trying.

I'm on-track again today. Had a slim-fast shake (170) for breakfast and a can of soup (220) for lunch. Guzzling the crystal light. I made plans to head to a cool super-hero-type thing this afternoon in Silver Spring, and am meeting Alison (!) and her kiddos for dinner. The Austin Grill has a kids-eat-free (two kids per adult!) dealie so we're eating there. I checked the nutritional info on their website and although I don't entirely trust it, I'm using what makes sense. Burger = 600, side of grilled veggies = 165, cup of texas chili = 260. Total: 1025. Totally reasonable, and a TON of food!

Thanks, girls. I'm still here. Is there anyone out there that I can help support?!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Not good, not bad

I still haven't had a "clean" day where I ate exactly the way I wanted and planned to. But I'm definitely eating quite a bit less than I was before, and guzzling that Crystal Light like crazy. I'm aware during my mini-binges, and able to direct a bit at things that aren't quite as unhealthy. I've only eaten late at night once, last night.

Part of the problem is that this weather is making me want to cook and freeze huge quantities of food, and I'm still exploring all of this fantastic new vegan cooking to see what works and what doesn't. It's hard not to eat when you're spending lots of time cooking! Today we're making a vegan lasagna!

I am getting through until 3 or 4 with no trouble now, and that's a huge accomplishment. I weighed in officially yesterday and seem to be down a few pounds, but didn't ever do an official "start" weight so I'll just use this one as my start: 181.5. My goal for this week is to lose 1.5.

Love you all.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

KOKO part 2

I didn't post yesterday, but I did have a decent day.

I'm definitely less hungry than before I started this, and it's really helping me restrict during the day when I have much more self-control. I really wasn't hungry at all in the morning; had a can of soup (220) and that was it for a while.

I decided to take a detour after Nate's 2 pm gymnastics class and explore Rock Creek Park with the kiddos, so we stocked up with a few Subway subs to take with us. I planned to only eat half of a veggie sub, but I ate extra bites of the kids enough to qualify for eating a foot-long veggie. Still not too bad.

Good the rest of the afternoon, then went off the rails when cooking the kids stir-fry. Ate a ton of eggplant-sauteed-in-peanut-oil. Lots of peanut oil. It was good, but definitely not worth it. Ate a few other things, then tried to re-direct myself by cooking a Lean Cuisine and scarfing it down. But I didn't eat anything after that, so it is what it is.

I am so grateful that I don't have the urge to eat late night. I really don't. Because I'm so very bad at fighting my urges that I know I'd be 300 pounds by now.

But another day is here. I haven't been hungry at all this morning, so I haven't eaten. I bought a water bottle all spur-of-the-moment at Giant the other day and it's turned out to be a lifesaver. I'm loading it up with Crystal Light all day and guzzling it down. Two 20-ounce bottles so far today.

Girls, I am so grateful for you. I wouldn't be doing this without your support. I'm going to keep working on my late afternoon mini-binges, but I'm in control most of the rest of the day and that's really something to be happy about.

Thank you.