Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Not giving up

So I had a really great day yesterday, right up until the time when I made ziti for the kids and then ate it by the handful right out of the colander. Lots of it. I may just have to decide that pasta is too much of a "red light food" for me, and not cook it. I'll keep working on that issue.

But in better news, good day before that binge and then I didn't go on to eat the "real" dinner I had planned for myself. So that's really something.

I didn't give up. I'm not giving up. I'm adding tools to my arsenal, and step by step I'm going to get there.

As an example, right now I'm off to run errands. I'm packing the newest tool, the slim-fast shake, along with me. Feeling hungry is the enemy for me; it throws me into a binge. So bringing the shake to stave off hunger will probably get me home in time for a healthy lunch. Go me.

My biggest step, though, is bringing my friends into this. Thank you for the phone calls, the emails, the comments on this blog. It is truly keeping me accountable, knowing that someone is waiting to hear from me. I'm here. Thank you.


  1. I think protein shakes might be the best thing for you. Although I do find the slim fast shakes fill me up for a little bit.

    Are you going to try to go under by 285 today? To make up for yesterday? Or just do 1800 today again?

    Go you!

  2. Debs, interesting question. I think I will stick with 1800 as my goal every day for now; I don't want to freak myself out with the "famine" mentality (which I actually think is one of your food issues as well). Thank you for checking in!
