Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Not good, not bad

I still haven't had a "clean" day where I ate exactly the way I wanted and planned to. But I'm definitely eating quite a bit less than I was before, and guzzling that Crystal Light like crazy. I'm aware during my mini-binges, and able to direct a bit at things that aren't quite as unhealthy. I've only eaten late at night once, last night.

Part of the problem is that this weather is making me want to cook and freeze huge quantities of food, and I'm still exploring all of this fantastic new vegan cooking to see what works and what doesn't. It's hard not to eat when you're spending lots of time cooking! Today we're making a vegan lasagna!

I am getting through until 3 or 4 with no trouble now, and that's a huge accomplishment. I weighed in officially yesterday and seem to be down a few pounds, but didn't ever do an official "start" weight so I'll just use this one as my start: 181.5. My goal for this week is to lose 1.5.

Love you all.

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